US Freight Car 40-50Ton Friction 70 PSI

US Freight Car 40-50Ton Friction 70 PSI


Author: lilb
Kind: engine
Build: 2.9
Size: 19.82KB
Uploaded: 2019-11-13

US Freight Car 40-50Ton Friction 70 PSI

Physics Specifications(Engine Spec) for a US Freight Car, Friction Bearings and 40-50 tons. Brakes are set to 70 PSI. 10inch Brake Cylinder. It is set so the Train Brake Pipe and Auxilliary Reservoir are charged initially. If you are having trouble getting the cars to move, you will need to place the cars again. This may be used in any Freeware content. If you want to use this in payware, contact me.

Author: lilb (Brian Snook)

    US Freight Car 40-50Ton Friction 70 PSI
  • config.txt 5.04KB
  • thumbnail.jpg 26.86KB

This asset is not to be distributed, shared, or uploaded to any site without my (Brian Snook) explicit permission.
This asset may not be used in or referenced from any commercial content. All logos and registered trademarks are property of their copyright holders.
The Author(s) of this content take no responsibility for any damage that this content may cause from it's use. Content is provided as is.
Copyright 2013 Brian Snook All Rights Reserved.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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