

Author: witte46
Kind: traincar
Build: 3.7
Size: 14.98MB
Uploaded: 2021-05-09
Web-site: mverherstraeten.be/cmkks


Belgian electric loc.full scripted. Information and functions see readme file. 3xLOD

Author: witte46


'This product must be free of charge. Also other sites get my
permission to offer this product for download on their site, if
the download is free of charge.
You are free to copy/edit/cut/paste/move/change/reskin/repaint this product,
if you just name me as the original author.
You do not have to inform me personally.
I can not be held responsable for any damage that could be
done by this product. That is very unlikely however.

VE166: 33 combined chunks (of 33 source) in .im file:
VE166: 40 combined chunks (of 44 source) in .im file:
VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-FF||kuid2 130544 15049 1.tzarc|hle27-body**15 - defaultm.onetex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.
VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-FF||kuid2 130544 15049 1.tzarc|hle27-body**14 - defaultm.onetex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.
VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-FF||kuid2 130544 15049 1.tzarc|hle27-body**17 - defaultm.onetex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.
VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-FF||kuid2 130544 15049 1.tzarc|hle27-body**18 - defaultm.onetex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.
VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-FF||kuid2 130544 15049 1.tzarc|hle27-body**15 - defaultm.onetex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.
VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-FF||kuid2 130544 15049 1.tzarc|hle27-body**noir_pupitrem.notex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.
VE166: 99 combined chunks (of 105 source) in .im file:
VE82: Individual mesh files are not supported for traincar assets. Upgrade 'hle27-body/wiper/wiper.im' to a .lm file.
VE82: Individual mesh files are not supported for traincar assets. Upgrade 'hle27-body/wiperb/wiper.im' to a .lm file.
VE82: Individual mesh files are not supported for traincar assets. Upgrade 'hle27-body/coupler/coupled.im' to a .lm file.
VE82: Individual mesh files are not supported for traincar assets. Upgrade 'hle27-body/coupler/coupled.im' to a .lm file.
VE82: Individual mesh files are not supported for traincar assets. Upgrade 'hle27-body/coupler/uncoupled.im' to a .lm file.
VE82: Individual mesh files are not supported for traincar assets. Upgrade 'hle27-body/coupler/uncoupled.im' to a .lm file.

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