

Author: atilabarut
Kind: drivercommand
Build: 2.5
Size: 17.29KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17


uncouple a consist from a specified coupler between two consecutive vehicles in the train. In this update the uncoupling is allowed while the train is moving. The command menu includes two submenus: LOCO and TRAIN.

If LOCO is chosen the coupler numbers are counted relative to the locomotive's position. A positive number K indicates a coupler between the K-th and the K+1-st vehicles behind the locomotive and a negative number -N indicates a coupler between the N-1-st and the N-th vehicles in front of the locomotive. Also, the number zero denotes the coupler between the locomotive and the first car behind the locomotive.

If TRAIN option is chosen, the coupler numbers are counted relative to the front most vehicle (based on train's conceptual direction) of the train. Hence, a positive number K indicates a coupler between the K-th and K+1st vehicles behind the front most vehicle and a negative number -N indicates a coupler between the N-th and N+1-st vehicles counted from the back of the train.

Currently the coupler numbers vary from -10 to 10 in both options. In case the coupler number is beyond the range given here, then custom numbers can be inserted into the command menu via InputTable rule. To do this, just type the following on a new line in InputTable's rule editor:


where RELATIVE_VEHICLE is either 'LOCO' or 'TRAIN', which determine the coupler's number relative to either locomotive or the front most vehicle in the train, and COUPLER_NUMBER denotes the selected coupler's number.

Ex: split, LOCO,-1 (uncouple train between the locomotive and the first vehicle in front of it)
split, TRAIN,3 (uncouple train from the theird and fourth vehicles from the front of the train)
split, TRAIN,-2 (uncouple train from the third and fourth vehicles counted from the back of the train)

IMPORTANT: This command obsoletes the old SplitTrain command and is different in functionality. The users using the previous versions of this command must make the appropriate corrections in their sessions.

Author: atilabarut

  • config.txt 3.52KB
  • decoupleconsist.texture.txt 41 bytes
  • decoupleconsistcommand.gs 6.90KB
  • decoupleconsistschedulecommand.gs 3.32KB
  • tag.tga 64.04KB
  • thumbnail.jpg 6.91KB

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