Donner cespugli spl2

Donner cespugli spl2


Author: robertoconti19
Kind: track
Build: 3.3
Size: 1.73MB
Uploaded: 2019-07-18

Donner cespugli spl2

Cespugli spline

Author: RobertoConti19

    Donner cespugli spl2
  • $screenshot$.jpg 15.17KB
  • 4.23KB
  • cespuglio.bmp 1.00MB
  • cespuglio2-cespuglio.texture.txt 54 bytes
  • cespuglio2.tga 3.00MB
  • config.txt 1.44KB

This asset is released for personal use only.
The asset cannot be sold for profit or be included it in any package sold for profit.
Redistribution or reskinning is only allowed with the explicit consent of the author.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE145: Category code 'ZX - Paintshed template' is obsolete.

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