Portale sezionamento TE - 1b-tq


Author: tinotos
Kind: fixedtrack
Build: 3.3
Size: 28.89KB
Uploaded: 2022-08-11
Web-site: trainzitalia.it

Portale sezionamento TE - 1b-tq

Portale sezionamento TE - 1binario -trave quadra

Author: Tinotos-NickTestoni

    Portale sezionamento TE - 1b-tq
  • $screenshot$.jpg 45.85KB
  • config.txt 3.28KB
  • dima.texture.txt 43 bytes
  • dima.tga 4.04KB
  • portale1btq.im 956 bytes

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Any repaint, alteration or upload on other websites require explicit permission by the author or by the TrainZItalia Staff

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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