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Drive a loco2


Author: mi-tee.mike.master
Kind: map
Build: 2.4
Size: 1.61MB
Uploaded: 2019-09-20

Drive a loco2

A simple circular route based upon the rolling fields of the British Midlands.

Gresley Railways Ltd. have taken over some disused lines in Leicestershire. Financed by a successful record producer and government grants, new build has been linked up to old track beds to create a home for the nations most famous locomotives.

An additional attraction is that modern track laying standards have been kept, with the result that the Railway Inspectorate has given permission for full line speed running.

Author: Chris Burrow

    Drive a loco2
  • config.txt 23.96KB
  • drive a loco2.bmk 330 bytes
  • drive a loco2.gnd 2.30MB
  • drive a loco2.obs 215.58KB
  • drive a loco2.trk 91.48KB

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