Loco horn initiator - long

Loco horn initiator - long


Author: #186372
Kind: scenery
Build: 4.5
Size: 29.59KB
Uploaded: 2024-02-25

Loco horn initiator - long

Place this on the track where you want an approaching loco to sound a long blast on its horn. The pointy end should face the approaching train. You might want to place a whistle sign asset adjacent to this asset.
The long blast may not be evident for all locos.
Original script by nysvrwx. Based on simular horn sequencer assets by nysvrwx, frogpipe and dricketts.

    Loco horn initiator - long
  • config.txt 1.58KB
  • long_short_green.texture.txt 39 bytes
  • long_short_green.tga 192.02KB
  • thumbnail.jpg 15.13KB
  • whistle_initiator.fbx 18.28KB
  • whistle_initiator.gs 2.07KB
  • whistle_initiator.trainzmesh 863 bytes

Original licence terms: Free. May be used as you see fit, including modifications and reskins.

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