Signal Box telegraph office Clock

Signal Box telegraph office Clock


Author: Alex23
Kind: scenery
Build: 2.0
Size: 921.62KB
Uploaded: 2019-06-06
Web-site: nul

Signal Box telegraph office Clock

This is a sound add-on for the Signal Box Locomotive object 193148 1198 signal box with interior view To use it you must place this object in Surveyor at or adjacent to the invisble trackmarker that was created for the signal Box. In Driver, the placed signal box will occupy the same space but will benefit from the sound file attached to this object.This content is updated and rereleased with the kind permission of Jetstreamsky, Jetstreamsky's eula apply's

Author: Alex23

    Signal Box telegraph office Clock
  • anim.kin 176.05KB
  • clock.texture.txt 28 bytes
  • clock.tga 48.53KB
  • config.txt 2.61KB
  • mix.wav 1.30MB
  • screenshot.jpg 8.42KB
  • 9.13KB

This content is for use with licensed Auran Trainz software and shall not be modified and redistributed without the authors written permission and ackowledgement in the rereleased asset. Modification for personal use is permissable without any such communication. Inclusion of any asset in any payware is strictly prohibited unless prior permission is sought and agreed.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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