Canal Swing Bridge 2


Author: bendorsey
Kind: mocrossing
Build: 2.4
Size: 91.78KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-18

Canal Swing Bridge 2

This interactive automotive non-symetrical swing bridge is designed to cross a canal and
was based on a brigde located near Nimy, Belgium. Clearence is approximately 20 meters/65 feet in the open position.
Many thanks to Linda Irene Tingvik (shortline2) for the pics and info and stagecoach for the idea.
NOTE! This is is designed to be triggered to open the span and stop automotive traffic when a boat or barge which has
been set up as a locomotive comes within the trigger radius on the built-in invisible track in the water.

Author: Benjamin R. Dorsey

    Canal Swing Bridge 2
  • anim.kin 14.27KB
  • 154.90KB
  • black.bmp 3.05KB
  • black.texture.txt 28 bytes
  • concrete6.jpg 33.12KB
  • concrete6.texture.txt 32 bytes
  • config.txt 2.92KB

This item is offered free of charge for your enjoyment. It may not be sold or used in any commercial venture. It may be re-skinned for your personal use.

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