MLK I2K GT WGMG Wet Green Mountain Grass

MLK I2K GT WGMG Wet Green Mountain Grass


Author: masontaylor
Kind: groundtexture
Build: 2.9
Size: 927.08KB
Uploaded: 2024-03-04

MLK I2K GT WGMG Wet Green Mountain Grass

A general ground texture representing a type of grassland often found in the Scottish Highlands, with a heavy 3d texture provided by an added normal map. For best results, press you keyboard [ or ] keys while applying a general layer, then 'touch in' a few small radius, large textured dabs with randomly dialled direction settings to break up the uniformity further.

Thanks to PEV for PEVsoft Images2TGA, used for creating the normal map.

    MLK I2K GT WGMG Wet Green Mountain Grass
  • config.txt 1.69KB
  • groundtexture.texture.txt 31 bytes
  • groundtexture_normal.texture.txt 90 bytes
  • screenshot.jpg 29.32KB
  • wgground.tga 1.00MB
  • wgground_normal.tga 1.00MB

This model is distributed to the community by its creator as freeware; please feel free to reskin as you wish. No problems at all with the uploading of reskinned versions for the enjoyment of others so long as they are free and my original work as creator is credited.

All commercial use, however, is reserved without express permission.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE62: Required container 'texture-variants' is missing.

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