SCSK2 SPB BR TP TT ScR  Single Poster Board British Railways Transition Period Timetable Scottish Region

SCSK2 SPB BR TP TT ScR Single Poster Board British Railways Transition Period Timetable Scottish Region


Author: masontaylor
Kind: scenery
Build: 3.5
Size: 462.84KB
Uploaded: 2024-03-04

SCSK2 SPB BR TP TT ScR Single Poster Board British Railways Transition Period Timetable Scottish Region

SCSK2 SPB BR TP TT ScR Single Poster Board British Railways Transition Period Timetable Scottish Region
Zoning in on a specific location and period. this timetable board comes from the British Rail era on the further flung outposts of the network, where the older-style boards took longer to replace, and older and newstyle identities co-existed

    SCSK2 SPB BR TP TT ScR Single Poster Board British Railways Transition Period Timetable Scottish Region
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  • single poster1 - copy.texture.txt 44 bytes
  • single poster1 - copy.tga 768.04KB
  • thumbnail_0.jpg 38.74KB

This asset is distributed to the community by its creator as freeware; feel free to reskin as you wish for your personal use, but please be aware that in this particular case, any uploading of a reskin containing reproductions of actual posters which are covered by copyright would constitute a legal infringement for which I can bear no responsibility. The uploading of reskinned versions with original or non-copyrighted material for the enjoyment of others is of course fine, as long as they are free and my o

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