WHR CNR SMH CS WHR Crianlarich Station Master's House Coal Shed

WHR CNR SMH CS WHR Crianlarich Station Master's House Coal Shed


Author: masontaylor
Kind: scenery
Build: 3.5
Size: 1.14MB
Uploaded: 2024-03-04

WHR CNR SMH CS WHR Crianlarich Station Master's House Coal Shed

WHR CNR SMH CS WHR Crianlarich Station Master's House Coal Shed
Based on photos from the 1980s

    WHR CNR SMH CS WHR Crianlarich Station Master's House Coal Shed
  • config.txt 1.38KB
  • screenshot.jpg 46.64KB
  • whr cnr smh cs.im 7.47KB
  • whr cnr smh cs.texture.txt 37 bytes
  • whr cnr smh cs.tga 768.04KB
  • whr crn smh csnorm.texture.txt 66 bytes
  • whr crn smh csnorm.tga 1.00MB

This asset is distributed to the community by its creator as freeware; please feel free to reskin as you wish. No problems at all with the uploading of reskinned versions for the enjoyment of others so long as they are free and my original work as creator is credited.

All commercial use, however, is reserved without express permission.

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