WHR Ran HSS Rannoch Hotel Steel Shed

WHR Ran HSS Rannoch Hotel Steel Shed


Author: masontaylor
Kind: scenery
Build: 3.5
Size: 2.70MB
Uploaded: 2024-03-04

WHR Ran HSS Rannoch Hotel Steel Shed

WHR Ran HSS Rannoch Hotel Steel Shed
Presumably used for the secure storage of foodstuffs and drink, since the road in is not exactly conducive to daily deliveries, this shed and its corrugated companion disappeared between 2010 and 2011, probably when the hotel was remodelled.

    WHR Ran HSS Rannoch Hotel Steel Shed
  • config.txt 1.59KB
  • screenshot.jpg 38.92KB
  • whr ran hss.im 34.57KB
  • whr ran hss.texture.txt 34 bytes
  • whr ran hss.tga 3.00MB
  • whr ran hssnorm-whr ran hssnorm.texture.txt 90 bytes
  • whr ran hssnorm.tga 3.00MB

This asset is distributed to the community by its creator as freeware; please feel free to reskin as you wish. No problems at all with the uploading of reskinned versions for the enjoyment of others so long as they are free and my original work as creator is credited.

All commercial use, however, is reserved without express permission.

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