MFK2 WSDD1  Warehouse Sliding Doors

MFK2 WSDD1 Warehouse Sliding Doors


Author: masontaylor
Kind: scenery
Build: 2.9
Size: 502.81KB
Uploaded: 2024-03-04

MFK2 WSDD1 Warehouse Sliding Doors

Modular Factory Kit 2 Warehouse Sliding Doors

Since these doors are designed as an add-on, you can use them anywhere they'll fit, not just with the MFK2 series. These are a fairly recent pattern, presumably knocked up from corrugated zinc and steel bar as an economical replacement for a wooden original. The model's double sided, giving you the choice of a new or more weathered finish.
Their position in the screenshot, providing a replacement entrance for the blocked-up one on the Double-Door basic unit, is probably the most obvious, but they'll also fit on the Machine Shed Unit with a tiny bit of dropping.

    MFK2 WSDD1 Warehouse Sliding Doors
  • config.txt 1.83KB
  • ibs mdmbbl 2.26KB
  • monty warehouse slider copy hw copy.texture.txt 58 bytes
  • monty warehouse slider copy hw copy.tga 768.04KB
  • screenshot.jpg 43.83KB

This model is distributed to the community by its creator as freeware; please feel free to reskin as you wish. No problems at all with the uploading of reskinned versions for the enjoyment of others so long as they are free and my original work as creator is credited.

All commercial use, however, is reserved without express permission.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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