UP FEF-3 844 aKP 3v6
Author: | evilcrow |
Kind: | traincar |
Build: | 3.6 |
Size: | 14.78MB |
Uploaded: | 2023-11-26 |
Downloads: |
UP FEF-3 844 aKP 3v6
- UP FEF-3 844 aKP 3v6
- blowdown_drain.tfx 780 bytes
- cabsteam.tfx 420 bytes
- config - copy.txt 16.21KB
- config.txt 17.54KB
- cylinder_cocks_stopped.tfx 420 bytes
- cylinder_drain_cocks.tfx 412 bytes
- dust.tfx 404 bytes
- exp.tfx 388 bytes
- feedvent.tfx 404 bytes
- fef-2-icon.texture.txt 69 bytes
- fef-2-icon.tga 32.02KB
- fef-3-art.jpg 23.51KB
- fef-ears.im 171.93KB
- a.cylpknl.im 560 bytes
- a.drain0.im 2.05KB
- a.drain1.im 2.11KB
- a.engineer.im 235.20KB
- a.fireman.im 197.13KB
- a.outsideview0.im 500 bytes
- a.outsideview1.im 568 bytes
- a.outsideview2.im 636 bytes
- a.rcyl.im 492 bytes
- boiler.texture.txt 29 bytes
- boiler.tga 12.00MB
- cab interior.texture.txt 35 bytes
- cab interior.tga 3.00MB
- cab.texture.txt 26 bytes
- cab.tga 12.00MB
- casual23_m_40.jpg 151.58KB
- casual23_m_40.texture.txt 48 bytes
- casual26_m_40.jpg 138.55KB
- casual26_m_40.texture.txt 48 bytes
- coupler.tga 768.02KB
- crosshead.texture.txt 32 bytes
- crosshead.tga 3.00MB
- details.texture.txt 30 bytes
- details.tga 12.00MB
- elephant ears.texture.txt 36 bytes
- elephant ears.tga 12.00MB
- fef-3 ww - copy.im 5.70MB
- fef-3 ww.im 5.70MB
- frame.texture.txt 28 bytes
- frame.tga 3.00MB
- furajka.texture.txt 49 bytes
- furajka.tga 1.02KB
- leha.kin 36.38KB
- pipe.texture.txt 27 bytes
- pipe.tga 12.00MB
- runningboards.texture.txt 36 bytes
- runningboards.tga 12.00MB
- shadow1-shadow.texture.txt 49 bytes
- shadow1.tga 128.02KB
- vladik.kin 36.38KB
- windows-windows.texture.txt 49 bytes
- windows.tga 768.02KB
- generator.tfx 388 bytes
- lcyl.tfx 416 bytes
- lilbloco.gs 91 bytes
- muffler.tfx 396 bytes
- rcyl.tfx 416 bytes
- safteyvalvelrg.tfx 484 bytes
- safteyvalvesml.tfx 484 bytes
- smoke.tfx 3.52KB
- compressor.wav 866.41KB
- dynamo.wav 41.75KB
- piston_stroke1.wav 80.92KB
- piston_stroke2.wav 80.92KB
- piston_stroke3.wav 80.92KB
- piston_stroke4.wav 80.92KB
- whistle.tfx 396 bytes
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