Carz Jowett Javelin 1953 biege static

Carz Jowett Javelin 1953 biege static


Author: PEV
Kind: scenery
Build: 3.7
Size: 431.10KB
Uploaded: 2019-11-12

Carz Jowett Javelin 1953 biege static

Jowett Javelin 1953. Short-lived and slightly luxurious for the time.

Author: Peter Villaume (PEV)

    Carz Jowett Javelin 1953 biege static
  • $screenshot$.jpg 9.20KB
  • config.txt 1.79KB
  • groundplane-groundplane.texture.txt 57 bytes
  • groundplane.tga 64.53KB
  • 74.31KB
  • 40.23KB
  • javelin2.bmp 768.05KB
  • 20.55KB
  • javelin2.texture.txt 31 bytes

3D Model by PEV.. No Changes Please.

The textures for this model are taken, with permission and thanks, from Classic Car Portraits by Graeme Jenner,

This item is FREEWARE and is not to be included in any PAYWARE distributions, N3V DLS conditions excepted. No third party shall profit from the use of this software.

VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-5A||kuid 329364 1739.tzarc|**m1_m.onetex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.
VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-5A||kuid 329364 1739.tzarc|**m2_m.onetex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.
VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-5A||kuid 329364 1739.tzarc|**m1_m.onetex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.
VE186: Material 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-5A||kuid 329364 1739.tzarc|**m2_m.onetex' is shared between multiple chunks in this asset but the material parameters conflict.

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