no image



Author: dmdrake
Kind: scenery
Build: 2.2
Size: 168.02KB
Uploaded: 2019-03-03


Your-Hat - Your Hat Shop, King Street, Sydney. Flats above with Hat Shop and Nameable shop at street level. Nameable With 3D details and nightmode.

Author: David Drake

  • awning-fringe.texture 884 bytes
  • awning.texture 1.52KB
  • capitol.texture 42.89KB
  • cement.texture 5.49KB
  • column.texture 10.95KB
  • config.txt 2.11KB
  • cornice.texture 5.57KB
  • night
  • night-night-alpha.texture 42.86KB
  • 1.03KB
  • roof.texture 2.85KB
  • side-layer.texture 5.57KB
  • stone.texture 5.49KB
  • 92.77KB
  • your-hat.texture 85.54KB

VE168: File 'your-hat.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-75||kuid2 33404 504382 2.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'your-hat.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Your-Hat*E74069A6*material #1*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'roof.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-75||kuid2 33404 504382 2.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'roof.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Your-Hat*62618C7A*material #213*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'capitol.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-75||kuid2 33404 504382 2.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'capitol.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Your-Hat*78CFA862*material #1*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'cement.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-75||kuid2 33404 504382 2.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'cement.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Your-Hat*49B82C7B*material #2*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'side-layer.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-75||kuid2 33404 504382 2.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'side-layer.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Your-Hat*7D878D97*material #364*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'stone.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-75||kuid2 33404 504382 2.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'stone.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Your-Hat*FDD42BC4*material #85*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'column.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-75||kuid2 33404 504382 2.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'column.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Your-Hat*283DD5BE*material #212*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'cornice.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-75||kuid2 33404 504382 2.tzarc|'
VE165: Textur

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*E74069A6*material #1*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*62618C7A*material #213*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*78CFA862*material #1*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*49B82C7B*material #2*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*7D878D97*material #364*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*FDD42BC4*material #85*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*283DD5BE*material #212*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*10E8F149*material #241*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*C11FA65*material #348*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Your-Hat*40E16A6B*material #349*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *night*9ECC4C26*material #5*m.onetex in mesh file night/ has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE62: Required container 'thumbnails' is missing.
VE109: The low-detail meshes total more than 500 polygons. This may have a negative impact on performance: 0: 1388

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