DS 41 St Stephens Green East

DS 41 St Stephens Green East


Author: domsarto
Kind: scenery
Build: 1.3
Size: 1.08MB
Uploaded: 2019-09-26
Web-site: n/a

DS 41 St Stephens Green East

GEORGIAN DUBLIN - 41 St. Stephen's Green East

A Georgian house from Dublin's St. Stephen's Green. Must have been spectacular in the 1820's when the police were there to keep the riff-raff away.

According to census forms collected by Police Constable Anthony Duggan in 1911, this house was occupied by
Henry W. Oulton MD FRCSI (surgeon, 58);
his wife Susan (52)
and one of their seven children Charles C. C., (18), a student in Trinity College Dublin, all Church of Ireland;

and their two servants
Margaret Conlan (24), a domestic servant and cook,
and Margaret Bury (23), a domestic servant and housemaid, both single and Roman Catholic.

Author: DomSarto

    DS 41 St Stephens Green East
  • config.txt 1.80KB
  • ds 41 st stephens green east.im 31.93KB
  • main.texture.txt 27 bytes
  • main.tga 1.50MB
  • notes.txt 624 bytes
  • screenshot.jpg 66.78KB

may not be used as part of any payware route or included on any payware CD/DVD for which payment is required.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
MapObjectSpec::LoadDefaultMeshes> missing 'night' tag in <kuid:342053:25297> "DS 41 St Stephens Green East"

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