DS Building Commercial Sams Barbers

DS Building Commercial Sams Barbers


Author: domsarto
Kind: scenery
Build: 2.0
Size: 2.15MB
Uploaded: 2019-09-27
Web-site: n/a

DS Building Commercial Sams Barbers

based on a photograph by the artist welsh/375 formally known as Gabdiesel

Author: DomSarto

    DS Building Commercial Sams Barbers
  • config.txt 1.38KB
  • ds sams barbers.im 10.70KB
  • main.texture.txt 27 bytes
  • main.tga 3.00MB
  • screenshot.jpg 50.70KB

May not be used in association
with any payware asset or supplied on any DVD for which payment is required.
Mesh, texture or any other part of asset may not be altered without permission of author.
Texture may not be used without permission of author.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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