NBSky Very Cloudy

NBSky Very Cloudy


Author: Laurinlaki
Kind: environment
Build: 4.6
Size: 3.65MB
Uploaded: 2019-06-15
Web-site: trainz.de

NBSky Very Cloudy

2k Clear Sky image.
To achieve a minutes-before-rain setting as in the thumbnail, pull down the brightness slider and set other environment settings accordingly.
Derived work from public domain sky photos. See license text for usage info. TLDR of the license text:

No modifications, no using in routes or sessions distributed over jointedrail.com, rypi.com, thebackshops.com or join-together.de, and no using in payware marketed outside store.trainzportal.com and store.steampowered.com without contacting the original author and asking for permission.
If you want to be able to do whatever go on a lookout for the texture parts and make all the Trainz adaption work yourself.

Author: Mika K. 'laurinlaki'

    NBSky Very Cloudy
  • clouds.png 3.61MB
  • clouds.texture.txt 27 bytes
  • config.txt 3.93KB
  • thumbnail.jpg 57.43KB

This asset is a freeware asset and likes to be treated as such.
This asset is distributed officially via the Auran Downloadstation and Trainz.DE.
As such it may be included in your copy of Trainz or it may be part of a DLC you purchased through the official Trainz Store or Steam,
but the asset may not be bundled with a payware package from any other source.
You can redistribute this asset elsewhere, as long as it remains freely accessible to everyone without a requirement to create an account on a web

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