NBSign CZ/SK Ocekavej Posunovaci Rychlost 3

NBSign CZ/SK Ocekavej Posunovaci Rychlost 3


Author: Laurinlaki
Kind: scenery
Build: 4.6
Size: 1.25MB
Uploaded: 2023-11-07
Web-site: nbsplus.de

NBSign CZ/SK Ocekavej Posunovaci Rychlost 3

Await yard speed limit sign from Czechia/Slovakia

Author: Mika K. 'laurinlaki'

    NBSign CZ/SK Ocekavej Posunovaci Rychlost 3
  • config.txt 3.25KB
  • sign.png 557.33KB
  • sign.texture.txt 16 bytes
  • sign.trainzmesh 8.92KB
  • sign_180cm.trainzmesh 8.92KB
  • sign_normal.png 194.55KB
  • sign_normal.texture.txt 71 bytes
  • sign_param.png 507.59KB
  • sign_param.texture.txt 44 bytes
  • thumbnail.jpg 7.58KB

This asset is a freeware asset and likes to be treated as such.
This asset is distributed officially via the Auran Downloadstation and Trainz.DE.
As such it may be included in your copy of Trainz or it may be part of a DLC you purchased through the official Trainz Store or Steam,
but the asset may not be bundled with a payware package from any other source.
You can redistribute this asset elsewhere, as long as it remains freely accessible to everyone without a requirement to create an account on a web

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