5. Tractiune dubla - Double traction (Auto)
Map: | <kuid:474195:100570> |
Author: | Ionut C |
Kind: | profile |
Build: | 3.3 |
Size: | 388.04KB |
Uploaded: | 2019-06-14 |
Loadings: |
5. Tractiune dubla - Double traction (Auto)
Esti la comanda locomotivei 91-53-0-474027-4 apartinand operatorului CFR Marfa, cuplata la o naveta de carbune. Vei pleca din Breaza Nord dupa trecerea lui IR1623 Bucuresti Nord - Sibiu. Mergi pana in Valea Larga si asteapta trecerea unui tren de lucru. Pleaca la semnalul verde si mergi pana in Sinaia unde vei intra pe abatere si vei astepta semnalul verde. Condu apoi mai departe fara oprire pana in Predeal. Aici, pentru a putea face fata declivitatii, locomotiva 40-0544-3 apartinand aceluiasi operator feroviar va fi atasata in coada trenului ca impingatoare. Dupa atasarea acesteia vei duce naveta pana in Darste, destinatia ta finala.
EN: You are in commnad of the locomotive 91-53-0-474027-4 belonging to CFR Marga (CFR Freight) operator, coupled at a cola consist. You will leave Breaza Nord after IR1623 Bucharest Norf - Sibiu has passed by. Drive to Valea Larga and wait for a work train to pass by. Leave at the green signal and drive to Sinaia siding 4 where you will wait for the green signal. Drive then further to Predeal without stopping. Here, to face the declivity, the locomotive no. 40-0544-3 belonging to the same railway company, will be attached at the end of the train as a pusher. After attaching the locomotive you will take the consist to Darste, your final destination
- 5. Tractiune dubla - Double traction (Auto)
- config.txt 46.64KB
- marfar.jpg 329.28KB
- profile.dat 505.71KB
- profile.lyr 25 bytes
- profile.obs 6.73KB
- profile.trk 68 bytes
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