K Skoda 100 greyblue (load)

K Skoda 100 greyblue (load)


Author: ViciA_007
Kind: scenery
Build: 3.5
Size: 248.79KB
Uploaded: 2019-07-06
Web-site: trainz.pl

K Skoda 100 greyblue (load)

Skoda 100 - czechoslovakian traditional car built from 1969

Author: kanclerz

    K Skoda 100 greyblue (load)
  • $screenshot$.jpg 28.96KB
  • cien-cien.texture.txt 43 bytes
  • cien.tga 4.04KB
  • config.txt 1.64KB
  • main.texture.txt 27 bytes
  • main.tga 384.04KB
  • skoda.im 82.54KB

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VE109: The low-detail meshes total more than 500 polygons. This may have a negative impact on performance: 0: 1456

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