K Tatra 815 Pług
Author: | ViciA_007 |
Kind: | scenery |
Build: | 2.0 |
Size: | 2.23MB |
Uploaded: | 2023-11-19 |
Loadings: |
K Tatra 815 Pług
K Tatra 815 Pług
Author: Kanclerz
- K Tatra 815 Pług
- $screenshot$.jpg 19.88KB
- cien-cien.texture.txt 43 bytes
- cien.tga 4.04KB
- config.txt 1.73KB
- hds.texture.txt 26 bytes
- hds.tga 768.04KB
- sypacz.texture.txt 29 bytes
- sypacz.tga 768.04KB
- tatra.im 455.20KB
- tatra.lm.txt 299 bytes
- tatra_lod1.im 247.59KB
- tatra_lod2.im 305.54KB
- tatra_lod3.im 143.23KB
- tatra_s.texture.txt 30 bytes
- tatra_s.tga 1.50MB
Zabrania sie wykorzystywania dodatkow na innych stronach, przemalowywania, sprzedawania bez zgody autora,
a zwłaszcza wpierdalania na płatne mapy zjebie Kgridzie i chuje z Rumunii.
You can't use this creation on other sites, painting it, selling without permission from the author. Ohterwise its forbidden using on shitty payware maps including bitch Kgrid and Romanian payware maps
VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE109: The low-detail meshes total more than 500 polygons. This may have a negative impact on performance: 0: 8660, 1: 5154, 2: 6042, 3: 3002
VE111: The meshes in LOD level 2 must total at least 20% fewer polygons than the next higher LOD: 0: 8660, 1: 5154, 2: 6042, 3: 3002
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