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Western Bld 06 MBC214


Author: Cayden
Kind: scenery
Build: 3.5
Size: 2.03MB
Uploaded: 2024-02-26

Western Bld 06 MBC214

In 1887 and into the 1890s the “main street” of Golden, British Columbia, Canada consisted of a row of at least 8 cabins along the north bank of the Kicking Horse River just west of the box canyon. Depicted here is the second cabin from the east end of the row. Polys 235.

Author: Cayden

    Western Bld 06 MBC214
  • config.txt 1.37KB
  • texture.texture.txt 30 bytes
  • texture.tga 3.00MB
  • thumbnail.jpg 25.73KB
  • 18.54KB

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