Queen's Hotel 1887 MBC016

Queen's Hotel 1887 MBC016


Author: Cayden
Kind: scenery
Build: 3.4
Size: 1.92MB
Uploaded: 2024-03-03

Queen's Hotel 1887 MBC016

Photographed in 1887 the Queen’s Hotel in Golden, British Columbia
was a crude affair (http://searcharchives.vancouver.ca/uploads/r/null/8/8/884674/c4129c9c-63f9-4883-b9db-0da4920c8a2e-A04548.jpg).

It appears to have been originally a sod roofed shack constructed from rough-hewn logs with one widow and
one door in the front and probably with no other windows or doors. At some later date a somewhat larger
and enhanced second cabin appears to have been added. This one had a log roof and two windows in the
front. The two cabins were tided together by a porch also constructed with a log roof. Polys 290

    Queen's Hotel 1887 MBC016


VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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