NH Mountain pilot bogey

NH Mountain pilot bogey


Author: shebashetan7
Kind: bogey
Build: 3.5
Size: 234.22KB
Uploaded: 2024-04-11
Web-site: steammachine.com/bdaneal

NH Mountain pilot bogey

Pilot bogey for NYNH&H 4-8-2s. The original author is Ben Neal. All I have done is update it to make it usable in T:ANE. Ben -- thanks for all your wonderful contributions to Trainz.

USRA Light Mountain leading bogey.

Author: Ben Neal

    NH Mountain pilot bogey
  • 750bog.texture.txt 29 bytes
  • 750bog.tga 1.00MB
  • anim.kin 3.20KB
  • config.txt 2.13KB
  • env_metal.bmp 12.05KB
  • env_metal.texture.txt 32 bytes
  • thumbnail.jpg 18.97KB
  • usra_lmount_b0.im 88.55KB

You may not sell this package. You may not sell any reskins of this content, either. You may not claim it as your own. You may not upload this to any other website without my permission.
With the nots out of the way, you may repaint it if you wish if you give credit for the original and let downloaders know where to find the dependencies. You may reuse parts of the textures for your own projects as long as you mention the source in a readme or the description.
All items are presented as is, no warranty is

VE109: The low-detail meshes total more than 500 polygons. This may have a negative impact on performance: 0: 1608

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