ZiuT PolCat-PBR Gantry v2t2 - Seasonal


Author: cebar3
Kind: track
Build: 4.7
Size: 33.41KB
Uploaded: 2024-03-03

ZiuT PolCat-PBR Gantry v2t2 - Seasonal

pbr gantry made by me, yes

Author: cebar3

    ZiuT PolCat-PBR Gantry v2t2 - Seasonal
  • config.txt 6.36KB
  • cover.jpg 30.04KB

Don't sell this object as payware content. As an author, I don't want to see this addon on 3rd party sites, although every 3rd party modification can be reuploaded by me to DLS at any time.

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