Mine Loadout


Author: glt0145
Kind: scenery
Build: 1.5
Size: 238.42KB
Uploaded: 2019-06-06
Web-site: users.tpg.com.au/ruthcook/index.htm

Mine Loadout

This is typical of the mine loads found throught Queenland. The loadout needs to be located at 6 metres below the surrounding ground for the pit to show. Colour the surrounding ground the colour of the materil being loaded and if the ground shows in the pit it will just be spilt product.

Author: Peter Cook

    Mine Loadout
  • coal loadout.texture.txt 35 bytes
  • coal loadout.tga 768.53KB
  • coal_loadout.im 749.29KB
  • config.txt 4.16KB

The progressive mesh file(s), textures, associated files contained in this distribution are copyright 2004 under universal copyright law. Any distribution or alteration of these files other than by the original author (Peter Cook, glt0145) is prohibited excepting the distribution from Auran's servers.

If you wish to have assets reskinned, please transmit the skin as a paint shop pro or targa 24 bit graphics file as an attachment to your e-mail to [email protected]. I will review the files and

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