MARS Anno Domini 2332


Map: MARS Anno Domini 2332
Author: jahgandree
Kind: profile
Build: 2.4
Size: 7.50KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17

MARS Anno Domini 2332

Automatic Session. With Alistair you drive Monsma Base-Oudemans Base, Andrew drives Monsma Base-Interplanet Base. The from Earth descending people are called Martionets. They face an identitycrisis on Mars like Kenny , you will ask yourself who is the real Kenny,be warned don't look back. Sean in the Learjet is searching for thr real Martians. Have Fun. (c)jahgandree in readme.

Author: jahgandree

    MARS Anno Domini 2332
  • config.txt 2.71KB
  • profile.dat 42.57KB

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