GWR 20T Hopper bogey

GWR 20T Hopper bogey


Author: Jonny211
Kind: bogey
Build: 1.3
Size: 33.65KB
Uploaded: 2021-03-30

GWR 20T Hopper bogey

GWR 20T Hopper bogey

Author: Jonny211

    GWR 20T Hopper bogey
  • anim.kin 3.21KB
  • config.txt 946 bytes
  • env_metal.texture.txt 32 bytes
  • 141.55KB
  • nearlyblacktextured.bmp 12.05KB
  • nearlyblacktextured.texture.txt 42 bytes

If you wish to reskin or distribute this please contact me at the address above.

Thanks for downloading this package

VE170: Failed to open compiled texture 'env_metal.texture' for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-48||kuid 46219 50100.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'env_metal.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*GWR_20T_hopper_bogey*8251DED9*nearblack*m.reflect'.
VE165: Texture 'env_metal.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*GWR_20T_hopper_bogey*6DF6806*nearblack*m.reflect'.
VE76: Unable to load mesh file: 'gwr_20t_hopper_bogey_shadow/'
VE40: Unable to load primary image 'env_metal.bmp' for texture file 'env_metal.texture.txt'.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE217: Material *GWR_20T_hopper_bogey*8251DED9*nearblack*m.reflect in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texReflect
VE217: Material *GWR_20T_hopper_bogey*6DF6806*nearblack*m.reflect in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texReflect
VE86: Legacy .pm files are no longer supported. Switch to using a .lm file.
VE62: Required container 'thumbnails' is missing.
VE109: The low-detail meshes total more than 500 polygons. This may have a negative impact on performance: 0: 944

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