Highway Bridge Approach Sign 45deg (zig-zag, chevron)

Highway Bridge Approach Sign 45deg (zig-zag, chevron)


Author: RRSignal
Kind: scenery
Build: 2.9
Size: 25.23KB
Uploaded: 2023-11-07

Highway Bridge Approach Sign 45deg (zig-zag, chevron)

This sign, along with it's mirror-image (kuid 481384_100923) is used on approaches to highway bridges. This gets placed on the right, the mirror-image sign on the left.

Author: RRSignal

    Highway Bridge Approach Sign 45deg (zig-zag, chevron)
  • config.txt 1.78KB
  • sign.texture.txt 27 bytes
  • sign.tga 12.02KB
  • thumbnail.jpg 11.93KB
  • zigsign.im 2.26KB

DRM-Freeware - My creations and any derivative works may not be used in any DRM-protected product (including, but not limited to, products requiring product activation, or any further dealings with the manufacturer or third-party after purchase or installation.) Otherwise, this is essentially open-source and may be freely used and distributed, and even ported to other platforms and simulators, as well as used in freeware or payware.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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