R-2 CL 3-3-0i RP Full Aspect Signal 17-foot RRS Supersignal


Author: RRSignal
Kind: mosignal
Build: 3.5
Size: 19.49KB
Uploaded: 2024-03-04

R-2 CL 3-3-0i RP Full Aspect Signal 17-foot RRS Supersignal

RYG/RYG. A typical three-head interlocking signal on a 17-foot post. This would typically display normal and limited/medium indications, and restricting.

Author: RRSignal

    R-2 CL 3-3-0i RP Full Aspect Signal 17-foot RRS Supersignal
  • config.txt 11.72KB
  • ssignal.gs 57 bytes
  • thumbnail.jpg 13.52KB

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