Sitzbank Walddoerferbahn gelb

Sitzbank Walddoerferbahn gelb


Author: Upnmoor
Kind: scenery
Build: 2.9
Size: 151.31KB
Uploaded: 2024-03-04

Sitzbank Walddoerferbahn gelb

Sitzbank mit Seitenwaenden, wie sie auf einigen Stationen der Hamburger U-Bahn zu finden ist, besonders entlang der Walddoerferbahn (heute oestlicher Teil der Linie U1)

Bench with wooden side walls (wind shields) like those on some stations of the Hamburg underground system, especially along the Walddoerferbahn, which is now the eastern part of the line U1

    Sitzbank Walddoerferbahn gelb
  • bank_gelb.jpg 7.44KB
  • config.txt 1.78KB
  • sitzbank_gelb.bmp 384.05KB
  • 5.63KB
  • sitzbank_gelb.texture.txt 36 bytes

This item is supplied free of charge and may be distributed as freeware. It must not be offered for sale or supplied as a part of a Payware package. No form of copy protection or digital rights management/digital restrictions management must be applied to this content. Copyright holder is Dirk Upnmoor, Hamburg.

No responsibility will be accepted for performance or other problems on the users computer arising from any reason.

If any use is made of textures supplied as part of this model, this use must

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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