di_Weighbridge 12m Stawiany NT

di_Weighbridge 12m Stawiany NT


Author: Dispether
Kind: buildable
Build: 3.2
Size: 255.80KB
Uploaded: 2019-06-26
Web-site: trainz.pl/

di_Weighbridge 12m Stawiany NT

Railway weightbridge with a length of 12m, modeled on the building in Stawiany in Poland. TRS2004 version, without track

Author: drStrach

    di_Weighbridge 12m Stawiany NT

Free for non commercial use. Any redistribution of these content only with author (My) approval. Bezplatny do uzytku niekomercyjnego. Jakiekolwiek rozpowszechnianie tego dodatku wymaga akceptacji autora (Mojej). Copyright drStrach 2010

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE145: Category code 'ZX - Paintshed template' is obsolete.

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