Wach tower

Wach tower


Author: arraial
Kind: scenery
Build: 2.9
Size: 848.84KB
Uploaded: 2019-06-16
Web-site: 3darquitet.off7.net - assis.olx.com.br/maquetes-electronicas-3d-arquitetura-desenho-e-autocad-3d-projetos-em-autocad-archicad-iid-61835332

Wach tower

Wach tower whit normal maps

Author: Paulo costa

    Wach tower
  • clwood.jpg 70.26KB
  • clwood.texture.txt 29 bytes
  • clwoodnormal.jpg 711.82KB
  • clwoodnormal.texture.txt 81 bytes
  • config.txt 1.66KB
  • scr.jpg 11.52KB
  • wach tower.im 196.92KB

This Model is totaly free off charge for be used in Trainz game only. You may use, re-skin then and add dependencies but not redistribute Outside off Dls Auran Corporation. The model cant be desasembled from their original format (cdp) and cant be modified all or part of theyr original format, You may not host on a webserver without my permission, or include it in any software package for profit. (arraial)
t or include it in any package for profit.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE109: The low-detail meshes total more than 500 polygons. This may have a negative impact on performance: 0: 1508

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