no image



Author: pascalvds
Kind: scenery
Build: 1.3
Size: 36.44KB
Uploaded: 2019-10-01


Author: Pascal v.d. S.

  • bricky2.texture 10.86KB
  • config.txt 1.76KB
  • hb3chim.texture 2.85KB
  • healthdoor.texture 10.86KB
  • healthdoor2.texture 10.86KB
  • healthroof.texture 10.86KB
  • healthroofwin.texture 2.85KB
  • healthwindow2.texture 1.52KB
  • healthwindow3.texture 5.53KB
  • 31.88KB
  • roofroofy.texture 2.85KB
  • steen.texture 5.49KB

This product must be free of charge. You can freely
download this product. Also other sites get my permission to
offer this product for download on their site if the download is free of charge.

You are free to copy/edit/cut/paste/move/change/
reskin/repaint this product, if you just name me as the original
author. You do not have to inform me personally.

I can not be held responsable for any damage that could be
done by this product. Very unlikele however.

Pascal from The Dutch Fam

VE168: File 'steen.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-B4||kuid2 53695 25019 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'steen.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Houseblock4_53695*B6ABC045*material #4*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'healthdoor.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-B4||kuid2 53695 25019 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'healthdoor.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Houseblock4_53695*ECD9980C*material #5*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'healthroofwin.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-B4||kuid2 53695 25019 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'healthroofwin.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Houseblock4_53695*16FDA5FA*material #7*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'roofroofy.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-B4||kuid2 53695 25019 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'roofroofy.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Houseblock4_53695*78E7AF14*material #8*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'hb3chim.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-B4||kuid2 53695 25019 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'hb3chim.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Houseblock4_53695*55A3195F*mtl #4*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'healthdoor2.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-B4||kuid2 53695 25019 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'healthdoor2.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Houseblock4_53695*FE06CFBC*mtl #9*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'healthwindow2.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-B4||kuid2 53695 25019 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'healthwindow2.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Houseblock4_53695*1F770C00*material #6*m.onetex

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*B6ABC045*material #4*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*ECD9980C*material #5*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*16FDA5FA*material #7*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*78E7AF14*material #8*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*55A3195F*mtl #4*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*FE06CFBC*mtl #9*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*1F770C00*material #6*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*5DEEEB41*material #1*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*4572941C*material #2*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*581460ED*material #3*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*B6ABC045*material #4*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*ECD9980C*material #5*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Houseblock4_53695*16FDA5FA*material #7*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned

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