SP Cascade passenger truck - Harbor Mist Grey

SP Cascade passenger truck - Harbor Mist Grey


Author: trainboi1
Kind: bogey
Build: 2.9
Size: 1.37MB
Uploaded: 2021-02-09

SP Cascade passenger truck - Harbor Mist Grey

Four-wheel steel passenger truck.

Author: Daniel Gollery

    SP Cascade passenger truck - Harbor Mist Grey
  • $screenshot$.jpg 5.13KB
  • anim.im 1,010.16KB
  • anim.kin 3.09KB
  • anim.lm.txt 233 bytes
  • config.txt 1,023 bytes
  • med.im 381.13KB
  • screen.tga 126.58KB
  • truck.texture.txt 28 bytes
  • truck.tga 4.00MB

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE107: The high-detail meshes total more than 10000 polygons. This may have a negative impact on performance: 0: 16702, 1: 5147
VE109: The low-detail meshes total more than 500 polygons. This may have a negative impact on performance: 0: 16702, 1: 5147

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