Light strip horizontal 20x30m


Author: Dinorius_Redundicus
Kind: scenery
Build: 4.2
Size: 34.64KB
Uploaded: 2024-03-03

Light strip horizontal 20x30m

A planar strip of semi-transparent white light, visible only at night. Use as a nightmode light for station platforms, floors and land around buildings, headlight beams from static vehicles etc.

When first placed, the strip will be horizontal but it can be rolled (using Shift-Rotate control) to accomodate sloping surfaces. The 'grab point' for moving and rotation is in the centre of the light strip.

Original idea from NIARTcar. This update requires mesh library asset <kuid:68213:21050> or its later versions.

Author: Deane Tunaley

    Light strip horizontal 20x30m
  • $screenshot$.jpg 33.06KB
  • config.txt 2.10KB

Freeware, for distribution only by N3V. No publicly distributed reskins, changes to meshes or to the config.txt file.

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