PSC 1a Explore


Map: PortSwitchingCo 1a
Author: philskene
Kind: profile
Build: 2.4
Size: 312.13KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17

PSC 1a Explore

This session is for PortSwitchingCo 1a. All the items of rolling stock needed by the session will be downloaded from the Download Station when the session is installed. You have the choice of driving one of three locomotives - a North American diesel, a British diesel or an Australian steamer.
Chuck and Joe, this is the Dispatcher - welcome aboard Port Switching. I would like you two guys to go out and familiarise yourself with our little operation. Feel free to explore where you will, just make sure to keep in contact with me about other train movements. Just press your M-key if you need to find out what is going on.
You will find that our Class 1 Railroad partner is running a very intensive schedule at the moment. You should expect to see their trainz thundering past every three minutes or so. Be very careful where we share their tracks and keep off the track with concrete sleepers.
Fuel up your loco at the depot and then head out. Feel free to explore where you want to. One task though - you will find a loaded tank car out down by the minerals gantry. Bring that back up to loco and spot it so that we can refill our diesel storage tank.
You might find the maps useful as you explore. These and our SOPs will be found in the folder.

Author: philskene

    PSC 1a Explore
  • config.txt 3.62KB
  • portswitchingco_map1.jpg 89.42KB
  • portswitchingco_map2.jpg 89.25KB
  • portswitchingco_map3.jpg 89.73KB
  • profile.dat 404.99KB
  • psc_explore_small.jpg 19.26KB
  • readme.htm 11.65KB
  • readme.txt 10.83KB

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