P04M CPSLCG K Corner

P04M CPSLCG K Corner


Author: Kessica
Kind: mocrossing
Build: 1.3
Size: 14.66KB
Uploaded: 2011-04-16

P04M CPSLCG K Corner

4M Pathway Concrete Slabs with Light Cut Grass Border and Kerb

Author: Andrea Richards (Alias Kessica)

    P04M CPSLCG K Corner
  • config.txt 2.87KB
  • p04m_cpslcg_k_corner
  • p04m_cpslcg_k_corner.im 1.11KB
  • wide_red_gray_green_slab_kerb_corner.tga 48.53KB
  • wide_slab_kerb_corner.texture.txt 44 bytes
  • wide_slab_kerb_corner.tga 48.53KB


The mesh file(s), textures, associated files contained in this distribution are copyright 2003 Andrea Richards under universal copyright law.

You may NOT:
Sell, lease, or otherwise charge for these files.
Claim them, in whole or in part, as your own.

If you have, or have been asked to, pay or perform services in exchange for these files, you should immediately contact me at [email protected]

If you are in possesion of these files and are using them in an illegal copy

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE242: Unable to load animation file 'p04m_cpslcg_k_corner/anim.kin' (file not found, or is damaged).
VE62: Required container 'thumbnails' is missing.
VE242: Unable to load animation file 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-32||kuid 69978 37353.tzarc|

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