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Load At


Author: stagecoach
Kind: drivercommand
Build: 2.2
Size: 18.66KB
Uploaded: 2019-06-06

Load At

Load-At command will allow simultaneous drive-to/load operation. Usefull for passenger systems. Destinations
are also grouped if the last part of the name if '[xxx]'. xxx being whatever you want.

Commande de chargement qui regroupe les fonctions de 'conduire a' et de 'chargement'.
De plus, il est possible grouper les destination en leur donnant un nom qui se termine par '[xxx]'. xxx etant ce qu'on veut.

Author: stagecoach

    Load At
  • config.txt 2.82KB
  • 6.50KB
  • 6.01KB

this is free to do as you wish

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