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Pennsylvania E


Author: Jerker
Kind: map
Build: 2.4
Size: 16.93MB
Uploaded: 2019-07-02

Pennsylvania E

TransDEM generated map

Author: VicTrainZ

    Pennsylvania E
  • config.txt 3.12KB
  • pennsylvania_e.bmk 330 bytes
  • pennsylvania_e.gnd 36.23MB
  • pennsylvania_e.obs 89 bytes
  • pennsylvania_e.trk 52 bytes
  • pennsylvania_e_transdem_info.txt 765 bytes

This creation is the sole intellectual property and copyright of the listed author. It may not be modified in any way (such modification includes but is not limited to texture reskins and aliasing) without the express written permission of that author and only then if the creation is subsequently offered for free download via the Auran "Download Station". Where any such modification is made, the modified creation must have proper accreditation given to the original author.

It may not be included as part

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