VR Timber Trestle Bridge Kit 20Ft-Pier


Author: Jerker
Kind: scenery
Build: 2.0
Size: 95.61KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-19
Web-site: victrainz.com.au

VR Timber Trestle Bridge Kit 20Ft-Pier

This is the 20ft (7 meter) high pier portion of a nine piece kit intended to create a wooden style Trestle Bridge as designed and built by the Ways and Works Branch of the Victorian railways from 1935. This pier is intended to raise the bridge to a height no greater than 25ft (7.5 meters) above the ground.

Once installed, this part of the kit can be found in the Rails Tab>Trackside>Australia>Bridge section in Surveyor.

Many thanks to andi06 for his assistance in creating this kit.

Author: Jerker [Garry Jenkinson]

    VR Timber Trestle Bridge Kit 20Ft-Pier
  • $screenshot$.jpg 29.09KB
  • config.txt 2.96KB
  • p1010201.texture.txt 31 bytes
  • p1010201.tga 49.04KB
  • vr_timber_trestle_bridge_kit_20ft-pier.im 29.75KB

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