GWR renameable sign 6 by 2

GWR renameable sign 6 by 2


Author: johnwhelan
Kind: scenery
Build: 1.5
Size: 14.71KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-25

GWR renameable sign 6 by 2

Renameable sign 6 by 2 - 36 polys.

Author: John Whelan

    GWR renameable sign 6 by 2
  • config.txt 1.81KB
  • reskin240.jpg 17.39KB
  • 3.27KB
  • sign256by64.bmp 48.05KB
  • sign256by64.texture.txt 34 bytes

You may reskin this item for
upload to the DLS or other web site as long as it does not become payware.
You must include this licence with the reskin.
Please email John Whelan [email protected] as a curtsey if you do reskin it.

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE22: Missing or invalid selection for tag 'category-era' in 'scenery'.

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