1890 UK passenger set 2


Author: johnwhelan
Kind: product
Build: 2.4
Size: 4.52MB
Uploaded: 2019-06-06
Web-site: trainz-carriage-wagon-works.com/

1890 UK passenger set 2

passengers set about 1890.
This set is more proof of concept than anything else. It's based on an original western set
by Elvenor and includes passengers based on work by Bobsanders, Elvenor, Shoves etc. a number of others
put input into the project.

To use it you need a station that can load passengers, Andi06 has an invisible one we modified for testing.

Replace any reference in the config.txt file to <kuid:-3:10060> with <kuid:86627:1799> same with any rolling stock.

Note I've tried to keep the over all poly count down, since each passenger is between 280 and 950 polys
and there are 41 of them without any lod etc. If you have a high end machine you may wish to replace
some low poly people with higher poly ones that look better. It is fairly easy to change the passengers
since you can replace the passengers with any scenery item, ie people who are at ground level, not station platform level.

Author: johnwhelan

    1890 UK passenger set 2

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