Brick Warehouse Re-nameable

Brick Warehouse Re-nameable


Author: meridious
Kind: scenery
Build: 2.9
Size: 222.64KB
Uploaded: 2022-07-02

Brick Warehouse Re-nameable

This is re-nameable.

Author: Meridious

    Brick Warehouse Re-nameable
  • brick5.texture 42.86KB
  • brick5a.texture 42.86KB
  • concrete.texture 10.86KB
  • config.txt 1.67KB
  • door-double01.texture 42.86KB
  • door2.texture 10.86KB
  • 20.36KB
  • mixture.texture 42.86KB
  • rusty siding.texture 5.53KB
  • sign1.texture 42.86KB
  • thumb.jpg 49.70KB
  • window01sectioned.texture 10.86KB

You may not alter this content in any way, shape or form unless written consent is given from me. However, if it is for your personal use, you can change things such as bogeys or retexture it. If you do change anything with the content and would like to release it, you must e-mail me for approval.This content may not be sold or included for redistribution on any cd's/dvd's unless my permission is given.

VE168: File 'brick5.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-CC||kuid2 87907 26012 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'brick5.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Brick Warehouse re-nameable*6C764FF4*mtl #2*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'window01sectioned.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-CC||kuid2 87907 26012 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'window01sectioned.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Brick Warehouse re-nameable*81A1813D*mtl #0*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'door2.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-CC||kuid2 87907 26012 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'door2.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Brick Warehouse re-nameable*4388ABA9*mtl #2*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'door-double01.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-CC||kuid2 87907 26012 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'door-double01.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Brick Warehouse re-nameable*4CF1CE04*mtl #3*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'concrete.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-CC||kuid2 87907 26012 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'concrete.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Brick Warehouse re-nameable*5C572ACD*mtl #4*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'rusty siding.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-CC||kuid2 87907 26012 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'rusty siding.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Brick Warehouse re-nameable*E2DFFDFD*mtl #5*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'brick5a.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-CC||kuid2 87907 26012 1.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'brick5a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*Brick Warehouse re-nameable*BC6238B7*mtl #6*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'mixture.texture' is not a vali

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE217: Material *Brick Warehouse re-nameable*6C764FF4*mtl #2*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Brick Warehouse re-nameable*81A1813D*mtl #0*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Brick Warehouse re-nameable*4388ABA9*mtl #2*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Brick Warehouse re-nameable*4CF1CE04*mtl #3*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Brick Warehouse re-nameable*5C572ACD*mtl #4*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Brick Warehouse re-nameable*E2DFFDFD*mtl #5*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Brick Warehouse re-nameable*BC6238B7*mtl #6*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Brick Warehouse re-nameable*34DA6C40*mtl #8*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *Brick Warehouse re-nameable*5C19DF6E*mtl #1*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0

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