Black Country SP1


Author: gwpmason
Kind: map
Build: 1.3
Size: 1.82MB
Uploaded: 2011-04-16

Black Country SP1

British steam era development from Auran's TRS2004 British Midlands 2. No oil based industries, but more coal and timber traffic with extra steam loco faclities and semaphore signalling. The coal mines supply coal to the powerstation, gasworks and steam filling station, the forestries supply the lumber mill which in turn supplies the pulp mill and factory to produce goods for the goods shed. Set up favourite consists in extra sessions, adjust the inputs and outputs from your industries. Keep the industries running while express trains run on the main line, or for a real challenge run interactive steam locos and don`t let them run out of coal and water!

    Black Country SP1
  • black country sp1.bmk 330 bytes
  • black country sp1.gnd 2.57MB
  • black country sp1.obs 291.15KB
  • black country sp1.trk 159.73KB
  • config.txt 28.34KB

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