List of dependencies for <kuid2:425968:100384:1>

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4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ground Gravel-Ballast A41

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Concrete Slab A16

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Soil Texture 79

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Concrete Slab A17

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Concrete Slab A18

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Concrete Slab A19

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ground Rubble 74 Pebbles

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Asphalt Pavement A15

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Soil Texture 80

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Concrete Slab A20

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Concrete Slab A23

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ground Gravel-Ballast A50

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ballast-Aggreagte A01

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ground Dirt Soil A07

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ground Soil A12

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ground Forrest Ground A11

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Soil Texture 80

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ballast-Aggreagte A06

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ballast-Aggreagte A13

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Ground Forrest Ground A30

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Asphalt Pavement A02

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Asphalt Pavement A03

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Concrete Slab A14

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Pavers A01

4.6 | groundtexture

PBR Asphalt 17 Parking Area

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