Where <kuid2:122285:508:13> is used

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4.6 | traincar

Highland Drummond 8 Wheel Tender - Plain Green

4.6 | traincar

Highland Cumming Clan Tender - Plain Green

3.5 | traincar

LNER Gresley P2 Cock o' the North

4.6 | traincar

Caledonian Lambie 294 Class Fitted

4.6 | bogey

TTTE - Fergus Rear Wheel

2.9 | traincar

GWR 1922 composite coach lot 1310

2.4 | traincar

VR T class low nose

2.4 | traincar

VR T class low nose Dusty

2.4 | traincar

VR T class low nose RE

2.4 | traincar

VR T class low nose RE Dusty

2.9 | traincar

Daimler CW Single Deck Bus

3.5 | traincar

Class 150/2 Arriva Trains Wales

3.5 | traincar

Class 150/2 Centro

3.5 | traincar

Class 150/2 Scotrail

3.3 | traincar

Midland Tar Rec Tank Wagon

3.3 | traincar

South Eastern Tar Rec Tank Wagon

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